COVID-19 Update

At Lend A Hand Haiti, we prioritize the health and safety of our associates, members, and communities. Given the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, this priority has become all the more essential. We firmly believe that vaccination is the most effective approach to mitigating the spread of the virus and safeguarding ourselves, our loved ones, our members, and the wider communities we serve. While vaccination is not mandatory for membership, volunteer work or employment at our organization, we do require members to be vaccinated or regularly tested. This measure is vital to minimizing potential transmission of the COVID-19 virus, and to creating a secure and healthy workplace and environment for our clients, members, and associates.

Prevention Tips

When interacting with individuals, regardless of their vaccination status, we recommend the use of proper facial coverings such as masks that cover both the nose and mouth, extending also to the chin. To reduce the chances of transmission, we advise maintaining a minimum distance of 6 feet from others. If it is necessary to engage with groups of 10 or more, we recommend doing so outdoors in an expanded, accessible environment while still adhering to social distancing mandates of at least 6 feet or greater.

We highly recommend that you visit the CDC website at to acquire more information on preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19.

Latest Updates as per the CDC

According to the latest data available as of the time of this writing, Florida has reported 3,528,698 confirmed cases of the specified condition, while Massachusetts has reported 795,543 confirmed cases. Meanwhile, Haiti has reported 21,368 confirmed cases of the same condition. It is important to note that these numbers are subject to change and to the limitations of testing and reporting infrastructure in each respective region. Further analysis and investigation are necessary to understand the underlying factors contributing to these reported cases, as well as the potential implications for public health and overall disease spread dynamics in each region.